My name is Dog....not really, but who gives a shit, I wouldn't tell you my real name anyways. This is my attempt at the fabled bicentennial. 100 beers, 100 miles and just one week to accomplish both. I'm making this mostly to keep my teammates posted on how things are going, what I'm doing, and just how much my body hates me. This is my story.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Making an effort
So as I posted earlier, I'm on world record pace. According to the website,, the fastest well documented 100, 100 is 151 hours. Right now, if I finish everything by 6AM I'll be at 150 hours which is a new world record. I'm currently pretty drunk so I think I want to go for it. I've had 12 beers so far so I'm on good pace. It's really up to a matter of running while hammered. It's something I've done before, but I don't know. I'm going to be super drunk soon enough so we'll see how it goes. I'll let you guys know if I do it though. Be easy.
Day 6: Diggin' Deep
Today has been all in all the toughest day so far. I only got like 4 hours of sleep last night and the workout left my legs pretty sore so I knew going into my run that it would likely be a rough one. It was. I hadn't hadn't eaten anything since the Texas Toast that I had at 2:30 AM so I was pretty much running on empty and I chose to run it in the heat of the day. As soon as I was on cinders all I could think about was how badly I wanted to be finished. But I just kept telling myself to get to a certain point and then give myself another small goal to accomplish that way making the run more bearable. I just flat out did not want to be running. At around 7 miles I started thinking about how nice it'll be to finish and was hurting pretty badly at that point. For some reason I started thinking about these apples I have in my fridge. I don't even like apples, I don't think I'd rank them in my top 20 favorite fruits, but for some reason this apple was just the best god damn thing I could think of right then. I wanted that fucking apple so bad and I was gonna get that apple. I used it to push myself for 3 more miles to hit 10 miles for the day leaving me with only 6 more miles until 100.
I've discovered that weird shit like that happens a lot while doing this. There's just no way to really function properly. Two days ago I walked into a women's bathroom without even noticing, I almost ran into a parked truck yesterday, and tonight for dinner I ate toast with pasta sauce on it(what the fuck was that shit). I'll probably eat a more substantial dinner soon, but sometimes you just have to let your body do whatever the fuck it wants even if it means obsessing over apples. I sort of noticed the toll of running 70 miles in 4 days yesterday when I was finishing my cool down from the tempo. Palma, Nubbins, and Nancy were talking in the driveway when I rolled in finishing me run. Palma looked at me and said, "You look soooo tired right now" and I am. I'd like to say that I can do this thing and shrug it off as not too hard, but I'd be a liar. This really hasn't been too easy. I've had to work pretty hard at it lately, but like I've said time and time again it is the never ending support of my teammates and friends that have helped me. Runner and drinker Dan Potter gets a shout out today for his facebook post as it was big on getting me out the door.
Tomorrow is looming though and I only need 6 miles and 20 beers. The competitive side of me says fuck it and do a night run and get hammered tonight and be the fastest know documented attempt at the 100, 100.
My body says no to that idea though so we'll have to see what happens. It's unfortunately the last night Palma will be in Ithaca. I'm sad to see him go as he is a truly great friend and has helped me a ton in this experience. Anyways, I've got some beers to drink. Curt said it well in his recent text "You can smell it! And it smells GOOOOD!" I'm right there. Just a few more pushes to the finish.
Day totals:
10 miles and 4 beers
Cocaine Blues by Johnny Cash, I think I'll just stay here and drink by Merle Haggard, and Memories by David Guetta
Week Totals:
94 miles, 81 beers.

My life is this.
I've discovered that weird shit like that happens a lot while doing this. There's just no way to really function properly. Two days ago I walked into a women's bathroom without even noticing, I almost ran into a parked truck yesterday, and tonight for dinner I ate toast with pasta sauce on it(what the fuck was that shit). I'll probably eat a more substantial dinner soon, but sometimes you just have to let your body do whatever the fuck it wants even if it means obsessing over apples. I sort of noticed the toll of running 70 miles in 4 days yesterday when I was finishing my cool down from the tempo. Palma, Nubbins, and Nancy were talking in the driveway when I rolled in finishing me run. Palma looked at me and said, "You look soooo tired right now" and I am. I'd like to say that I can do this thing and shrug it off as not too hard, but I'd be a liar. This really hasn't been too easy. I've had to work pretty hard at it lately, but like I've said time and time again it is the never ending support of my teammates and friends that have helped me. Runner and drinker Dan Potter gets a shout out today for his facebook post as it was big on getting me out the door.
Tomorrow is looming though and I only need 6 miles and 20 beers. The competitive side of me says fuck it and do a night run and get hammered tonight and be the fastest know documented attempt at the 100, 100.
My body says no to that idea though so we'll have to see what happens. It's unfortunately the last night Palma will be in Ithaca. I'm sad to see him go as he is a truly great friend and has helped me a ton in this experience. Anyways, I've got some beers to drink. Curt said it well in his recent text "You can smell it! And it smells GOOOOD!" I'm right there. Just a few more pushes to the finish.
Day totals:
10 miles and 4 beers
Cocaine Blues by Johnny Cash, I think I'll just stay here and drink by Merle Haggard, and Memories by David Guetta
Week Totals:
94 miles, 81 beers.
My life is this.
Mountain Man night.
After getting back from my run yesterday I got a call from Corey saying that him, Jim, and Palma were going camping up at pinnacles. I said I'd go, but I wasn't really sure if I wanted to. For a while I just figured I'd be better off watching TV and pounding beers downstairs as this had been the routine throughout this week. However, when it came time to leave I said fuck it and went with them and it was a fucking blast. I had a pretty awesome time getting hammered in the woods with my friends, cooking Texas toast and kielbasa on a raging fire, and just relaxing and enjoying life. I drank the 10 beers that I brought with me(the only thing I brought with me on this camping trip to be honest) and then just said fuck it and pounded wine that Corey and Jim brought. Of course I'm not counting any wine drinking, and I'm hurting from it this morning, but I was out to have a good time and didn't want to stop drinking. The whole experience shed some knowledge on me as well.
As we tore down a back country dirt road, hootin' and hollerin' and listening to banjo tunes I had an Epiphany. I realized that this doesn't last forever. You only get to be young and reckless for a short amount of time before you eventually have to grow up, get serious, and start a life. In the summer before my last year of college I'm making it my mission to live free with no regrets. I want to do my best to go and do things like this camping trip with my friends. I want to hold nothing back and have as much fun as I can. I've watched as my friends have slowly left to start their lives elsewhere and although it's been sad, I can't help but feel really thankful for having had the opportunity to share the hilariously awesome times we've had together. Growing up scares the hell out of me. I've had the fortune of going to a college that suits me well and developed friendships that are truly one of a kind. I'm slowly coming to grips with the fact that my college years are coming to an end and I should just value every second of it that I have left. I think that's a big reason why I'm doing this now. I know I can't do shit like this later in life so fuck it, we'll do it live. I'm young, I'm having fun, and that's really all that matters to me right now.
Live fast, take risks and don't ever stop guys.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Day 5: Calm, Quick, and Relaxed
I know I posted only an hour or so ago, but I'm going camping tonight with corey, jim, and palma up at pinnacles so I won't be around later to post something. I was brief in my description of my night last night. I was pretty fucking hammered and recall very little after my conversation with tyler. Upon waking up I figured I probably should go through my phone because I remember being in an exceptionally chatty mood last night around 12:40. Sure enough I gave 2 of my ex-girlfriends a call. One didn't pick up, phew. The other, however, did pick up and it was a long one at 27 minutes. After calling her today to see what we talked about, I discovered that we had about a 20 minute conversation on the pluses to boating and drinking, how we should boat, drink, and can dance(I'll explain this in a second) when I return home in a week and a half. Alright can dancing is something done in my town from time to time where you get drunk, jump off the boat, swim to one of the shipping lane cans that sit in the harbor, and dance on top of it. It's hilarious and awesome. At some point I apparently went on a rant about the clean water act and how it is one of the weakest laws in our legislator which she really had no interest in and just told me to go to bed. I suspected that something like this would happen as every one's experience with this that I've read about has at some point called ex-girlfriends/girls their interested in. So if I call you ladies, just tell me to hang up the phone and drink more.
The running today was pretty good. As I said earlier I felt like doing a tempo today and that's exactly what I did. I warmed up for a little over 3 miles and then did a 6 mile tempo run out coddington and back. Now I fucking hate running on coddington. It is a long straight road that goes for miles and is relatively hilly with a lot of switchbacks. I always used to tell Curt how insane he was for loving the coddington out and back 10 mile Sunday run. However, I've discovered that it can actually be a really nice run if I'm doing tempo work on it. The speed of the workout makes it go by fast and once you get passed German Cross the scenery is pretty stunning. So curt I apologize for hatin', it's not that bad a run. The tempo went well enough. I had my GPS watch, but it shit the bed at 2.91 miles and gave me the typical "GPS Signal Weak" bullshit that it's been doing since winter. I think it's all the minus 15 degree runs. Anyways I ran until what I suspected would be my 3 mile split of 17:04 and then turned and ran back. I finished in 34:08 for 6 miles which breaks down to about 5:41 a mile. It would have been faster, but at around 5 and a half miles my right hamstring, which has been tight the last two days, started to feel a little shaky so I backed it off in the last half mile. I feel good now though. I'm on the final stretch and need only 16 miles in the next two days. I also only have a 30 rack left to go and I'm not even close to being done drinking wise.
My teammates have been crucial in helping me drink despite being no where near me. Billy seems to have a six sense about him and seemingly always texts me or writes on my facebook wall when I want to drink the least. It always makes me suck it up and throw a few back. After work today Riley and I ichat drank together. It was great talking to him again and talking about this and that while still getting a few beers in before the run. It's honestly the constant encouragement that has allowed me to push through an extreme distaste for beer.
The numbers for beer, running, and songs today
13 mile run with 6 mile tempo run.
8 beers so far
Won't back down by Eminem.
Week totals:
84 miles and 70 beers

What 70 beers looks like.
The running today was pretty good. As I said earlier I felt like doing a tempo today and that's exactly what I did. I warmed up for a little over 3 miles and then did a 6 mile tempo run out coddington and back. Now I fucking hate running on coddington. It is a long straight road that goes for miles and is relatively hilly with a lot of switchbacks. I always used to tell Curt how insane he was for loving the coddington out and back 10 mile Sunday run. However, I've discovered that it can actually be a really nice run if I'm doing tempo work on it. The speed of the workout makes it go by fast and once you get passed German Cross the scenery is pretty stunning. So curt I apologize for hatin', it's not that bad a run. The tempo went well enough. I had my GPS watch, but it shit the bed at 2.91 miles and gave me the typical "GPS Signal Weak" bullshit that it's been doing since winter. I think it's all the minus 15 degree runs. Anyways I ran until what I suspected would be my 3 mile split of 17:04 and then turned and ran back. I finished in 34:08 for 6 miles which breaks down to about 5:41 a mile. It would have been faster, but at around 5 and a half miles my right hamstring, which has been tight the last two days, started to feel a little shaky so I backed it off in the last half mile. I feel good now though. I'm on the final stretch and need only 16 miles in the next two days. I also only have a 30 rack left to go and I'm not even close to being done drinking wise.
My teammates have been crucial in helping me drink despite being no where near me. Billy seems to have a six sense about him and seemingly always texts me or writes on my facebook wall when I want to drink the least. It always makes me suck it up and throw a few back. After work today Riley and I ichat drank together. It was great talking to him again and talking about this and that while still getting a few beers in before the run. It's honestly the constant encouragement that has allowed me to push through an extreme distaste for beer.
The numbers for beer, running, and songs today
13 mile run with 6 mile tempo run.
8 beers so far
Won't back down by Eminem.
Week totals:
84 miles and 70 beers
What 70 beers looks like.
Do you know what it feels like to have your organs fall out
Because I'm pretty sure I do now. This is the first day of my bodies rebellion. My innards do not feel good and are pretty displeased with me right now. Today was interesting enough. I woke up feeling okay and not really that hungover despite a strong drinking effort last night. As I stated before, I set out to have a solid night of pounding beers and ultimately I had a decent night. I was alone for the whole thing which was pretty depressing, but also a blessing because I was focused intently on the task. Jersey Shore season two premiered so I drank a lot while that was on. During this time I was texting curt and ivory, both in Wildwood, NJ. Ivory sent me probably the funniest thing I've ever read. While discussing the cast of characters on the show he said "They are just so far from people I'm used to. It's hard to imagine they walk the same earth." I don't think I could agree more with this statement.
Anyways I pounded 14 beers solo and staggered up to my room thinking about calling it an evening. However, when I got to my computer tyla' baby facebook IMed me and we talked about how things were going. With some encouraging words from him I was able to do another 2 beers and end the night with 16 which I'm relatively happy with. I feel pretty good about my ability to hammer around 15 a night with some beers in the morning. Tonight's going to be pretty clutch though. It's Friday. My friends don't have work tomorrow. I'm looking for a 20+ night. I'm gonna take Tyler's advice and "give it hell and survive the weekend." I'm feeling bold today so I might do a tempo run on coddington. It might be 1,2,3s or it might just be a straight 5 or 6 miles. I'm a firm believer in quality miles and preventing staleness so we'll see how this goes.
But back to this morning, I woke up at 9AM. I have work at 11 on Fridays so I had to be up a little earlier than usual. I decided not to do a morning run this morning and instead drink some beers with my two hours. I honestly felt pretty low this morning about what I was doing to my body. I was on the can, drinking a beer, taking what was my third shit of the morning when I texted curt saying "This is what my life has come to." A few hours later he replied with some solid advice that made me a little less distressed about my current state saying "Man's gotta do what he's gotta do." True story. All though I might not want to do this, it's for the greater good. Get it done with, don't be a bitch, be a legend. So that's just what I'll do. I am reminded of a lyric from This Providence, "It called me to give my whole life, well that's what I'm gonna do."
Anyways I pounded 14 beers solo and staggered up to my room thinking about calling it an evening. However, when I got to my computer tyla' baby facebook IMed me and we talked about how things were going. With some encouraging words from him I was able to do another 2 beers and end the night with 16 which I'm relatively happy with. I feel pretty good about my ability to hammer around 15 a night with some beers in the morning. Tonight's going to be pretty clutch though. It's Friday. My friends don't have work tomorrow. I'm looking for a 20+ night. I'm gonna take Tyler's advice and "give it hell and survive the weekend." I'm feeling bold today so I might do a tempo run on coddington. It might be 1,2,3s or it might just be a straight 5 or 6 miles. I'm a firm believer in quality miles and preventing staleness so we'll see how this goes.
But back to this morning, I woke up at 9AM. I have work at 11 on Fridays so I had to be up a little earlier than usual. I decided not to do a morning run this morning and instead drink some beers with my two hours. I honestly felt pretty low this morning about what I was doing to my body. I was on the can, drinking a beer, taking what was my third shit of the morning when I texted curt saying "This is what my life has come to." A few hours later he replied with some solid advice that made me a little less distressed about my current state saying "Man's gotta do what he's gotta do." True story. All though I might not want to do this, it's for the greater good. Get it done with, don't be a bitch, be a legend. So that's just what I'll do. I am reminded of a lyric from This Providence, "It called me to give my whole life, well that's what I'm gonna do."
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Day 4: Drink, Drank, Drunk
So despite how shitty the morning run went, the evening run wasn't too rough. I did a 6 miler up on the course with some fast sections. I had the urge to pop some quick miles so I let myself run it out. All in all today was a pretty easy, but mundane day of running and life in general. I really didn't want to go to work and as soon as I got there I was in a pretty bad mood. I was bored as I always am, my supervisor's christian Gospel music was exceptionally loud, and as a result of said christian music being loud I had "Go tell it on the mountain" stuck in my head for the whole 4 hour shift. In total I got out of my chair maybe twice today and spent a majority of my time on letsrun.
Being disappointed with my drinking performance last night, I am on a mission to have a solid night of guzzling beers tonight. I've got my cowboy hat on and I'm ready to let it rip. Jersey Shore is on tonight and of course I'm going to be drunk as hell for that. It's been pretty rough and daunting to wake up and know that I have to drink 15 beers EVERY day though. I think my body is finally responding to what I'm putting it through as noticed this morning when my eyeball(brower?) felt like it was going to just fall right out of my fucking head. The first 3 days my body was probably thinking something along the lines of "ha alright buddy a little 3 day binder, nothing unusual. What is it fall break already?" but now at day 4 it's probably more like "Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" It is because of this that I've made an attempt to eat healthy for this week. Little known fact about myself, I have Acid Reflux Disease so it's pretty important for me in doing this that I keep the diet in check so I don't fuck up my esophagus.

Most days I've had a lunch consisting of a turkey, cucumber, lettuce, and onion sandwich on wheat bread and for dinner I've had various pasta dishes with a salad on the side. I think this has helped a lot and is the closest thing I can do to balance the ridiculous amount of drinking. Although I did have a bump and run from rogan's for lunch today, but come onnnnn. I need some protein. Tonight's dinner is none other than angle hair pasta.......I'M EATING IT AREN'T I?!!!!!!
Today's totals and songs of choice:
5 AM and 6 PM for 11 miles total
2 AM and 3 so far for 5 beers
ABC by the Jackson 5 and Jack and Diane by John Mellencamp
Week totals:
71 miles and 51 beers total through 4 days
Being disappointed with my drinking performance last night, I am on a mission to have a solid night of guzzling beers tonight. I've got my cowboy hat on and I'm ready to let it rip. Jersey Shore is on tonight and of course I'm going to be drunk as hell for that. It's been pretty rough and daunting to wake up and know that I have to drink 15 beers EVERY day though. I think my body is finally responding to what I'm putting it through as noticed this morning when my eyeball(brower?) felt like it was going to just fall right out of my fucking head. The first 3 days my body was probably thinking something along the lines of "ha alright buddy a little 3 day binder, nothing unusual. What is it fall break already?" but now at day 4 it's probably more like "Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" It is because of this that I've made an attempt to eat healthy for this week. Little known fact about myself, I have Acid Reflux Disease so it's pretty important for me in doing this that I keep the diet in check so I don't fuck up my esophagus.
Most days I've had a lunch consisting of a turkey, cucumber, lettuce, and onion sandwich on wheat bread and for dinner I've had various pasta dishes with a salad on the side. I think this has helped a lot and is the closest thing I can do to balance the ridiculous amount of drinking. Although I did have a bump and run from rogan's for lunch today, but come onnnnn. I need some protein. Tonight's dinner is none other than angle hair pasta.......I'M EATING IT AREN'T I?!!!!!!
Today's totals and songs of choice:
5 AM and 6 PM for 11 miles total
2 AM and 3 so far for 5 beers
ABC by the Jackson 5 and Jack and Diane by John Mellencamp
Week totals:
71 miles and 51 beers total through 4 days
The Good Time are Killing Me
Shit just got real. I woke up this morning at around 9:30 because of a text from chili kickin' billy. As is normal most mornings I didn't really remember how I got to my bed. I remember calling it a night at around 12:44. I was seeing double and simply looked at corey and said I couldn't do it anymore. Much love to corey for hanging around and drinking with me until then. The support is much appreciated. However, I'm a little disappointed with my drinking performance last night. I hoped to get into the 20+ range, but failed and only hit 14 for the night. Looking back on it I probably started too late(late is 9PM) and drank too much gatorade before hand not allowing the beer it's proper room.
But I woke up this morning and for the first time this week felt really hungover. I got up to put on my running shit and realized I felt like someone hit me in the face. My left eye feels like it's going to fall out of my face. Having run 60 miles through three days I've allowed myself the convinence of only having to average 10 miles a day though so I only did 5 miles this morning and plan on 5 in the evening. This was probably one of the worst morning runs I've ever done. The worst was the morning after a Beer Pong Thursday in indoor where I woke up at 7AM the day we were leaving for Tufts. I ran for 3 minutes down coddington and almost vomited 4 times before turning back. Then again I also ended up running 8:58 for 3k at that meet so who knows.
The support I've been getting from everyone has really been what's getting me through this. Just about everyone is texting me, iming me, or emailing me telling me to keep it up. I don't think I realized how important and big this was until talking to Olen. We were discussing my beer of choice and he left me with "make us proud." It was pretty much then that I realized that this isn't really just for me. This is for everyone. I'm not doing this alone, I'm doing this with everyone that's ever worn the singlet. Anyways, I'm drinking some morning beers and I'll do my best to keep the pace up and do my team proud.
But I woke up this morning and for the first time this week felt really hungover. I got up to put on my running shit and realized I felt like someone hit me in the face. My left eye feels like it's going to fall out of my face. Having run 60 miles through three days I've allowed myself the convinence of only having to average 10 miles a day though so I only did 5 miles this morning and plan on 5 in the evening. This was probably one of the worst morning runs I've ever done. The worst was the morning after a Beer Pong Thursday in indoor where I woke up at 7AM the day we were leaving for Tufts. I ran for 3 minutes down coddington and almost vomited 4 times before turning back. Then again I also ended up running 8:58 for 3k at that meet so who knows.
The support I've been getting from everyone has really been what's getting me through this. Just about everyone is texting me, iming me, or emailing me telling me to keep it up. I don't think I realized how important and big this was until talking to Olen. We were discussing my beer of choice and he left me with "make us proud." It was pretty much then that I realized that this isn't really just for me. This is for everyone. I'm not doing this alone, I'm doing this with everyone that's ever worn the singlet. Anyways, I'm drinking some morning beers and I'll do my best to keep the pace up and do my team proud.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Day 3: A day of good omens
So today started out alright enough. Wasn't feelin' too shitty when I woke up this morning. It took a little bit longer than usual for me to get out the door, but I made it happen anyways. I cranked DMX, laced up the shoes, and let it rip. I planned on 7, but like I said yesterday, I played some mind games with myself and made it into a 9 miler. The first good omen of the day happened at around 6 miles into my morning run. Now anyone on my team that has run saratoga in the fall or has discussed this topic while doing pick ups on cinders, believes that catching a falling leaf from a tree is a form of good luck. Guys will randomly catch a leaf early in a race and hold onto the thing for the whole 5 mile race. So when running down the cinder trail to the wild flower preserve, I was surprised to see a falling leaf just ahead of me. Being summer and all I didn't expect to catch a leaf, but it made me feel a little bit more lucky and lifted my spirits a bit.
The next good omen came while finishing up the evening run. I set out to hit just whatever I could handle. To my surprise I felt pretty good as I headed out the door towards campus. I did a nice 10 miler with buttermilk loops and am lovin' the new shoes. I basically just wanted to be done with the whole thing so I could eat dinner and start drinking again. WIth a mile to go I was not too happy to still be running, but then all of a sudden I started to hear music. At first I thought I was going crazy, but the music started to get louder and clearer. I realized it was coming from the baseball field and the song was none other than Tessie by the Dropkick Murphys. This song for those unfamiliar, is all about Boston and the Red Sox. I started singing along with it and getting really amped. This was the second good omen for me and helped me get through the last mile easily.
Finally, I was super amped to find a 30 of PBR at the back of Rogans. I was honestly pretty nervous as I walked to the back that I would be forced to yet again drink the creature that is Milwaukee Best Ice. I honestly really love PBR so I'm feeling the drinking will be a little easier this time around. Maybe too easy.
When I originally set to planning the mileage that I would be doing I thought that at about this stage of the game I would be hurting. I figured that my legs would be pretty shot and that I would require at least two ice baths a day. Yet here I am, 60 miles in 3 days and to my surprise I feel good. My stride is still fluid and powerful and I'm having no problem convincing myself to get the mileage in. Either I'm in much better shape than I thought I was or my body has simply realized the enormity of the task and is just allowing me to complete this thing only to destroy me later in the week. Either way this is all seeming pretty doable. I think it's in the bag, but I won't get too cocky just yet.
The numbers thus far are as followed:
9 miles in the AM and 10 miles in the PM
2 beers in the AM and 3 so far in the PM
Overall 60 miles and 34 beers in 3 days and counting.
Now I've got some beers to drink so I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes by my buddy Tyler:
"I feel sober....too sober"
The next good omen came while finishing up the evening run. I set out to hit just whatever I could handle. To my surprise I felt pretty good as I headed out the door towards campus. I did a nice 10 miler with buttermilk loops and am lovin' the new shoes. I basically just wanted to be done with the whole thing so I could eat dinner and start drinking again. WIth a mile to go I was not too happy to still be running, but then all of a sudden I started to hear music. At first I thought I was going crazy, but the music started to get louder and clearer. I realized it was coming from the baseball field and the song was none other than Tessie by the Dropkick Murphys. This song for those unfamiliar, is all about Boston and the Red Sox. I started singing along with it and getting really amped. This was the second good omen for me and helped me get through the last mile easily.
Finally, I was super amped to find a 30 of PBR at the back of Rogans. I was honestly pretty nervous as I walked to the back that I would be forced to yet again drink the creature that is Milwaukee Best Ice. I honestly really love PBR so I'm feeling the drinking will be a little easier this time around. Maybe too easy.
When I originally set to planning the mileage that I would be doing I thought that at about this stage of the game I would be hurting. I figured that my legs would be pretty shot and that I would require at least two ice baths a day. Yet here I am, 60 miles in 3 days and to my surprise I feel good. My stride is still fluid and powerful and I'm having no problem convincing myself to get the mileage in. Either I'm in much better shape than I thought I was or my body has simply realized the enormity of the task and is just allowing me to complete this thing only to destroy me later in the week. Either way this is all seeming pretty doable. I think it's in the bag, but I won't get too cocky just yet.
The numbers thus far are as followed:
9 miles in the AM and 10 miles in the PM
2 beers in the AM and 3 so far in the PM
Overall 60 miles and 34 beers in 3 days and counting.
Now I've got some beers to drink so I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes by my buddy Tyler:
"I feel sober....too sober"
Let them eat cake!
So I'm at work, bored already because like I said in the last post, I've done everything they've asked me to do in the first hour of work. This morning I woke up at 10 like I plan to do everyday and surprisingly felt not to shabby. The crew came up big yesterday in assisting me on this quest as sarah, palma, and veroline were all down to drink with me. Props to them for helpin' me out. I'm realizing that having people around me and encouraging me makes this a whole lot easier.
Last night I started hot with the drinking and seemed to be on a shaky path to a sure fire hangover. Thankfully some friends of mine requested the services of myself and Veroline to help them move at 9PM so that gave me a much needed hour and a half of recovery. After helping them move it was back to the grind and set out to finish the 30 of hell fire that is Milwaukee Best Ice. 12AM and things start to fade.
Flash forward now to 6AM. I'm up, I'm still pretty drunk, and I have to pee badly. This is something that I'm finding happens every morning. I wake up at an ungodly hour because my body can't take it anymore and this is its attempt to wake me up so I don't piss the bed. The length of time I piss in the mornings is simply ridiculous. The past two mornings I've felt like I've peed for upwards of 4 minutes.
But anyways, I'm at work, I'm bored, but I'm eating cake. Someone from the president's office which is down the hall just came up to me and gave me cake. I'm not sure why, or what the occasion is because they didn't say anything aside from "Here ya go." Sometimes weird stuff like that just happens here like the time they gave me a pizza as I was leaving work.
The numbers so far today:
9 miles in the AM to get 50 total with a planned 10 in the evening.
I plan on 10, but today is the first day I'm feeling the mileage. I'm pretty sore in my left hip and my hamstrings are feeling not sore, but just odd. Any mileage I do after work I'll be happy with. At the minimum I'd like to get 6 so that I have 44 miles remaining and 4 days to do it thus allowing 11 miles a day for the remainder of this week.
Last night I started hot with the drinking and seemed to be on a shaky path to a sure fire hangover. Thankfully some friends of mine requested the services of myself and Veroline to help them move at 9PM so that gave me a much needed hour and a half of recovery. After helping them move it was back to the grind and set out to finish the 30 of hell fire that is Milwaukee Best Ice. 12AM and things start to fade.
Flash forward now to 6AM. I'm up, I'm still pretty drunk, and I have to pee badly. This is something that I'm finding happens every morning. I wake up at an ungodly hour because my body can't take it anymore and this is its attempt to wake me up so I don't piss the bed. The length of time I piss in the mornings is simply ridiculous. The past two mornings I've felt like I've peed for upwards of 4 minutes.
But anyways, I'm at work, I'm bored, but I'm eating cake. Someone from the president's office which is down the hall just came up to me and gave me cake. I'm not sure why, or what the occasion is because they didn't say anything aside from "Here ya go." Sometimes weird stuff like that just happens here like the time they gave me a pizza as I was leaving work.
The numbers so far today:
9 miles in the AM to get 50 total with a planned 10 in the evening.
I plan on 10, but today is the first day I'm feeling the mileage. I'm pretty sore in my left hip and my hamstrings are feeling not sore, but just odd. Any mileage I do after work I'll be happy with. At the minimum I'd like to get 6 so that I have 44 miles remaining and 4 days to do it thus allowing 11 miles a day for the remainder of this week.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Day 2: Smooth Sailing
Day two started out easy enough. I woke up feeling not too hungover and relatively in good spirits. Coxy's cat, Annabell, usually meets me at my door most morning and today she was super excited to see me which put me in a good mood right away. She's a pretty funny cat all in all. But anyways I've discovered that this is really a lot like a game. If I can convince myself to get out and run than I've already won. This morning I woke up and told myself I'd do an easy 6 or 7 miles. The first ten minutes were a little rough and I was feeling a little on the stiff side, but after that I started to loosen up and feel good. It is at around 15-20 minutes into the run that I begin to trick myself.
I tell myself that I'll do something easy and short, but throughout the early stages of the run I play tricks with myself to make me doubt the easiness of the run. Today I began thinking about the mileage that I will ultimately have to do later in the week and how run down I might feel at that point and I began to tell myself that I can do more than I planned. So eventually the planned easy 6 miles turned into and easy 9 miles through the course, up troy to king, and back down through the course again. It was a pretty good run, saw Veroline at around 56 minutes during a rough patch and he gave me some nice encouragement that helped me push through the last mile. This hasn't been as hard as I thought it would and I figure so long as I get my body out the door my mind games will do the rest.
I took it easier post run on the drinking side today and only drank 2 beers before going to work. I felt pretty normal and didn't feel too tired. My job is pretty perfect for something like this to be honest. I work at a desk in a very comfy chair and only work 4 hours a day. Most days I don't start work until 1 allowing me to get both a decent night's sleep after drinking and and easy schedule for doubles in running. I also have lately done almost no work while there. I used to be given a decent amount of things to do to make the time go, but lately I have received only about 15 minutes of work a day allowing me to space out/surf the internet for 3 hours.
After work I did a wildflower preserve with add on runs and a little stretch of add on with Mr. Way. It was good to have someone to run with as I have been running solo for quite a while since good ol' craiglegs left the state. The run I planned on was 10 miles, but I was feeling good so I decided an extra mile wouldn't hurt and finished with 11 miles. I had hoped going into this that I would be able to complete this task in my favorite shoes, my Environmentally Neutral Design running shoes, however, I have probably put over a thousand miles on them and the company unfortunately went out of business. So the remainder of this journey will be done in my new Nike Lunarswift breathes. They're pretty nice, not a lot of padding and very little hard plastic in the upper so I'm very pleased with them.
All in all my totals for the day so far are as followed:
9 miles in the AM and 11 in the PM for 20 total
2 beers in the AM and 4 and counting in the PM
41 miles total and 21 beers total through 2 days.
As the saying goes, Look good, Feel good. 'til next time boys.
p.s. I like this one better cause the bear looks happy

I tell myself that I'll do something easy and short, but throughout the early stages of the run I play tricks with myself to make me doubt the easiness of the run. Today I began thinking about the mileage that I will ultimately have to do later in the week and how run down I might feel at that point and I began to tell myself that I can do more than I planned. So eventually the planned easy 6 miles turned into and easy 9 miles through the course, up troy to king, and back down through the course again. It was a pretty good run, saw Veroline at around 56 minutes during a rough patch and he gave me some nice encouragement that helped me push through the last mile. This hasn't been as hard as I thought it would and I figure so long as I get my body out the door my mind games will do the rest.
I took it easier post run on the drinking side today and only drank 2 beers before going to work. I felt pretty normal and didn't feel too tired. My job is pretty perfect for something like this to be honest. I work at a desk in a very comfy chair and only work 4 hours a day. Most days I don't start work until 1 allowing me to get both a decent night's sleep after drinking and and easy schedule for doubles in running. I also have lately done almost no work while there. I used to be given a decent amount of things to do to make the time go, but lately I have received only about 15 minutes of work a day allowing me to space out/surf the internet for 3 hours.
After work I did a wildflower preserve with add on runs and a little stretch of add on with Mr. Way. It was good to have someone to run with as I have been running solo for quite a while since good ol' craiglegs left the state. The run I planned on was 10 miles, but I was feeling good so I decided an extra mile wouldn't hurt and finished with 11 miles. I had hoped going into this that I would be able to complete this task in my favorite shoes, my Environmentally Neutral Design running shoes, however, I have probably put over a thousand miles on them and the company unfortunately went out of business. So the remainder of this journey will be done in my new Nike Lunarswift breathes. They're pretty nice, not a lot of padding and very little hard plastic in the upper so I'm very pleased with them.
All in all my totals for the day so far are as followed:
9 miles in the AM and 11 in the PM for 20 total
2 beers in the AM and 4 and counting in the PM
41 miles total and 21 beers total through 2 days.
As the saying goes, Look good, Feel good. 'til next time boys.
p.s. I like this one better cause the bear looks happy

Good Morning, Good Morning, It's fun to stay up late
It's 10 AM. My toe is a little painful from smashing it on that root yesterday, but I feel only a little bit hungover which is why I've got gatorade in hand as I prepare for my morning run. I am realizing just how strong the beast ice is as I don't seem to remember too much from the end of the night. All in all i finished the night with 9 beers which I'm pleased with. I seem to recall ranting to Palma and Anthony about shark week and saying something along the lines of "Fuck shark week, where the hell is bear week. Show me a shark and I'll beat its ass." I honestly would really want bear week to exist though. Bears are fucking awesome. Music has played a pretty big part of this. It's getting me out the door. The music of yesterday was mostly Testify by Rage Against the Machine. This morning however has been an AC/DC type of day. Before most morning runs I do I normally listen to Rock and Roll ain't Noise Pollution, but additionally I've listened to Hells Bells and Thunderstruck.
Anyways these are the totals from yesterday:
Running: 11 in the AM and 10 in the PM for a total of 21
Drinking: 2 in the super AM, 4 before work, 9 in the PM for a total of 15.
What about having a week dedicated to this though!!

[via FrigginRandom and theHighInfinite]
Anyways these are the totals from yesterday:
Running: 11 in the AM and 10 in the PM for a total of 21
Drinking: 2 in the super AM, 4 before work, 9 in the PM for a total of 15.
What about having a week dedicated to this though!!

[via FrigginRandom and theHighInfinite]
Monday, July 26, 2010
Day 1: A day of Mistakes
Today started out interestingly enough. I had an early trip back home with my dad from Mass so I did what I planned on. I had a beer before we got on the road and a beer in the bathroom of a rest stop. Quote "Aren't you hot in that jacket?" "nahhhhhhh" The rest stop chug was pretty interesting. I walked in and immediately noticed the crowd; a lesbian type of woman in a leather jacket buying scratch tickets, a man in a John Deere Hat looking at me like he wanted to fucking kill me, and some poor soul who seemed to have given up on life about 4 years ago.
Needless to say I got the 2 beers in before arriving at home. My dad, like that crazy driving machine he is, got me home a fuck ton earlier than I anticipated so things went a whole lot smoother than I anticipated. At around 10:30AM I did an 11 mile run down at the flower preserve with some add ons. It was actually pretty good considering the 5k that I did yesterday. Upon finishing the run at around noon I went to rogoloshians to buy a 30 because I have no intention of them knowing just how much of an alcoholic I am. Needless to say I planned on buying a 30 of PBR but to my demise I get to the back and see no red, white, blue 30 rack. I am flustered at this point.
My goal for this is to drink a beer that is at the least 5.0%. So standing there in the back of Rogoloshians looking at the 30s, I began to doubt myself. Do i just say fuck it and go for the keystone light? Do I go with what is familiar and just drink a light beer that I'm used to? Well to be honest that just ain't my style boys.......and this is where I made my first mistake of the day. The beer that I ended up deciding on was none other than, you guessed it fellas, Milwaukee's Best Ice. A 5.9% beer is now staring me in the face, all fucking 30 of them. At this point I slugged 4 of them in 40 minutes before I went to work and it essentially made me want to nap like a mofo. I made it through alright though.
After about an hour and a half after work I decided to go for my second run of the day. I ate some ritz crackers(life savers in and of themselves), drank some gatorade, and just decided to go for it. I figured buttermilk with extension would be a good run and all in all it was. However, 7 miles in I caught my foot on a root and went tumbling into thorn bushes. Mistake number 2. So there I am lying there in thorns, with no desire to really get up, but I eventually do and pull the mother fucking thorns out of me(which surprisingly jarred me out of my shitty running state) and finished the 10 miles.
All in all the running is at 21 miles and the drinking is currently at 12 and counting. We'll see how tomorrow goes, but all in all I'm feelin' pretty damn good about this whole thing.
Needless to say I got the 2 beers in before arriving at home. My dad, like that crazy driving machine he is, got me home a fuck ton earlier than I anticipated so things went a whole lot smoother than I anticipated. At around 10:30AM I did an 11 mile run down at the flower preserve with some add ons. It was actually pretty good considering the 5k that I did yesterday. Upon finishing the run at around noon I went to rogoloshians to buy a 30 because I have no intention of them knowing just how much of an alcoholic I am. Needless to say I planned on buying a 30 of PBR but to my demise I get to the back and see no red, white, blue 30 rack. I am flustered at this point.
My goal for this is to drink a beer that is at the least 5.0%. So standing there in the back of Rogoloshians looking at the 30s, I began to doubt myself. Do i just say fuck it and go for the keystone light? Do I go with what is familiar and just drink a light beer that I'm used to? Well to be honest that just ain't my style boys.......and this is where I made my first mistake of the day. The beer that I ended up deciding on was none other than, you guessed it fellas, Milwaukee's Best Ice. A 5.9% beer is now staring me in the face, all fucking 30 of them. At this point I slugged 4 of them in 40 minutes before I went to work and it essentially made me want to nap like a mofo. I made it through alright though.
After about an hour and a half after work I decided to go for my second run of the day. I ate some ritz crackers(life savers in and of themselves), drank some gatorade, and just decided to go for it. I figured buttermilk with extension would be a good run and all in all it was. However, 7 miles in I caught my foot on a root and went tumbling into thorn bushes. Mistake number 2. So there I am lying there in thorns, with no desire to really get up, but I eventually do and pull the mother fucking thorns out of me(which surprisingly jarred me out of my shitty running state) and finished the 10 miles.
All in all the running is at 21 miles and the drinking is currently at 12 and counting. We'll see how tomorrow goes, but all in all I'm feelin' pretty damn good about this whole thing.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
On the eve of Battle
Twas the night before 100, 100 and all through the house not a creature was stirring yada yada yada. So I'm about to partake in the 100, 100 and I'm feeling pretty anxious. I'm concerned about starting on a day that I'll be traveling especially a day after racing a 5k in 16:14. This complicates things on both fronts of my effort. The traveling messes up the running in the sense that it will mess up my normal routine and make me rush my morning run(my suspected time back home is around 11 and work is at 1) and it will also cripple me as I do not respond well to long car rides thus making the first day a hassle. It messes up the drinking in that I won't have the time before and after my run to get the planned 5 per morning in. Thus creativity and dedication to the cause shall come into play tomorrow.
My dad and I leave for the long trip at 3AM(3 hours from now). I currently have 2 beers in my room. The plan: Drink one before the road. Drink the other while in the restroom during a bathroom break. Risky? Yes, but I feel that if I down the two before the trip starts I'll have to piss earlier in the trip which never bods well. My dad is a machine when it comes to driving and some how, at the ripe old age of 62, can turn off all of his bodily functions and needs for nutrition and drive for HOURS on end. I on the other hand cannot so this seems like the most logical plan.
Day 1 updates are soon to follow. Stay tuned kiddos.
My dad and I leave for the long trip at 3AM(3 hours from now). I currently have 2 beers in my room. The plan: Drink one before the road. Drink the other while in the restroom during a bathroom break. Risky? Yes, but I feel that if I down the two before the trip starts I'll have to piss earlier in the trip which never bods well. My dad is a machine when it comes to driving and some how, at the ripe old age of 62, can turn off all of his bodily functions and needs for nutrition and drive for HOURS on end. I on the other hand cannot so this seems like the most logical plan.
Day 1 updates are soon to follow. Stay tuned kiddos.
Friday, July 23, 2010
How it all began
My decision to attempt the 100, 100 week has been something that I have thought about trying since I first heard about it from the one and only lanky Tim(Noooooo Timmmm). At first glance this feat was something that I felt sure would be far out of my league and realm of talent in both running and drinking. I was sure that there was a) no easy way for me to run 100 miles in a week as the last time I had done it it had left me gassed for about a week and a half and b) that I could drink 100 beers in a month let alone a week.
However, as the years passed by, the mileage climbed from 50 a week steadily until I was running consistent 80 mile weeks as a junior. The drinking progressed as well and I went from that freshman throwing up in the sophomore's suite(you guys will never let me live that one down, it's fine I've come to grips with that) to the upperclassman that prides himself on drinking Hurricane High Gravities like it's water. Now in the summer before my final year as a collegiate athlete I have decided to take upon myself the task of 100 beers, 100 miles to prove to myself that I can push my limits farther than I think. Some might find this task immature or irresponsible. To each their own, I am not asking or expecting the world to view this task as noble, but to me it is. To my knowledge no one on my team has ever tried or completed this task so I do look at it as relatively bold. To me this is more than simply running and drinking, it is pushing myself and my spirit harder than I ever have. Ultimately, I believe this undertaking will make me a better person and a better runner. Because fuck, no workout can be as hard as running 14 miles a day while being in a constant hangover and no life challenge could get me as down as the last few days probably will be.
So this is the plan. Front load the mileage, back load the beer. Everything I've read on doing this has said it is best to run a fuck ton early that way you don't have a daunting amount of mileage to run later. The tentative plan is to be around 50-60 miles through 3 days. This will be difficult especially considering that the first day I start(monday) I will do my first run at around 3AM in Massachusetts before a long drive back home to make it to work on time. Nonetheless I am confident in my ability to run that mileage as well as my ability to take Saturday and Sunday(the days I have absolutely no work or responsibilities) to get absolutely obliterated. In my research I have discovered doubters of many that have done this feat where the actual drinking is questioned so to answer these questions I will video tape the beers drank solo(something I'm sure we can enjoy watching later boys) and will be observed by a crew of friends most likely consisting of Tony P, Verloni pepperoni, Coxy, Scull, Corey baby, and whoever else comes by while drinking in public. The rules are simply, run the mileage, drink the beer. For every heave(not just every throw up, every individual heave) subtract one beer. I don't plan on this being an issue though. My gut feeling says the shower will be a clutch addition to the drinking. I will also be keeping a necklace consisting of the beer tabs to keep track.
All this being said, I am two days away from the beginning and to be honest, I could not be more excited.
Stay tuned for more.
However, as the years passed by, the mileage climbed from 50 a week steadily until I was running consistent 80 mile weeks as a junior. The drinking progressed as well and I went from that freshman throwing up in the sophomore's suite(you guys will never let me live that one down, it's fine I've come to grips with that) to the upperclassman that prides himself on drinking Hurricane High Gravities like it's water. Now in the summer before my final year as a collegiate athlete I have decided to take upon myself the task of 100 beers, 100 miles to prove to myself that I can push my limits farther than I think. Some might find this task immature or irresponsible. To each their own, I am not asking or expecting the world to view this task as noble, but to me it is. To my knowledge no one on my team has ever tried or completed this task so I do look at it as relatively bold. To me this is more than simply running and drinking, it is pushing myself and my spirit harder than I ever have. Ultimately, I believe this undertaking will make me a better person and a better runner. Because fuck, no workout can be as hard as running 14 miles a day while being in a constant hangover and no life challenge could get me as down as the last few days probably will be.
So this is the plan. Front load the mileage, back load the beer. Everything I've read on doing this has said it is best to run a fuck ton early that way you don't have a daunting amount of mileage to run later. The tentative plan is to be around 50-60 miles through 3 days. This will be difficult especially considering that the first day I start(monday) I will do my first run at around 3AM in Massachusetts before a long drive back home to make it to work on time. Nonetheless I am confident in my ability to run that mileage as well as my ability to take Saturday and Sunday(the days I have absolutely no work or responsibilities) to get absolutely obliterated. In my research I have discovered doubters of many that have done this feat where the actual drinking is questioned so to answer these questions I will video tape the beers drank solo(something I'm sure we can enjoy watching later boys) and will be observed by a crew of friends most likely consisting of Tony P, Verloni pepperoni, Coxy, Scull, Corey baby, and whoever else comes by while drinking in public. The rules are simply, run the mileage, drink the beer. For every heave(not just every throw up, every individual heave) subtract one beer. I don't plan on this being an issue though. My gut feeling says the shower will be a clutch addition to the drinking. I will also be keeping a necklace consisting of the beer tabs to keep track.
All this being said, I am two days away from the beginning and to be honest, I could not be more excited.
Stay tuned for more.
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