Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 1: A day of Mistakes

Today started out interestingly enough. I had an early trip back home with my dad from Mass so I did what I planned on. I had a beer before we got on the road and a beer in the bathroom of a rest stop. Quote "Aren't you hot in that jacket?" "nahhhhhhh" The rest stop chug was pretty interesting. I walked in and immediately noticed the crowd; a lesbian type of woman in a leather jacket buying scratch tickets, a man in a John Deere Hat looking at me like he wanted to fucking kill me, and some poor soul who seemed to have given up on life about 4 years ago.

Needless to say I got the 2 beers in before arriving at home. My dad, like that crazy driving machine he is, got me home a fuck ton earlier than I anticipated so things went a whole lot smoother than I anticipated. At around 10:30AM I did an 11 mile run down at the flower preserve with some add ons. It was actually pretty good considering the 5k that I did yesterday. Upon finishing the run at around noon I went to rogoloshians to buy a 30 because I have no intention of them knowing just how much of an alcoholic I am. Needless to say I planned on buying a 30 of PBR but to my demise I get to the back and see no red, white, blue 30 rack. I am flustered at this point.

My goal for this is to drink a beer that is at the least 5.0%. So standing there in the back of Rogoloshians looking at the 30s, I began to doubt myself. Do i just say fuck it and go for the keystone light? Do I go with what is familiar and just drink a light beer that I'm used to? Well to be honest that just ain't my style boys.......and this is where I made my first mistake of the day. The beer that I ended up deciding on was none other than, you guessed it fellas, Milwaukee's Best Ice. A 5.9% beer is now staring me in the face, all fucking 30 of them. At this point I slugged 4 of them in 40 minutes before I went to work and it essentially made me want to nap like a mofo. I made it through alright though.

After about an hour and a half after work I decided to go for my second run of the day. I ate some ritz crackers(life savers in and of themselves), drank some gatorade, and just decided to go for it. I figured buttermilk with extension would be a good run and all in all it was. However, 7 miles in I caught my foot on a root and went tumbling into thorn bushes. Mistake number 2. So there I am lying there in thorns, with no desire to really get up, but I eventually do and pull the mother fucking thorns out of me(which surprisingly jarred me out of my shitty running state) and finished the 10 miles.

All in all the running is at 21 miles and the drinking is currently at 12 and counting. We'll see how tomorrow goes, but all in all I'm feelin' pretty damn good about this whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha i love the laying in a thorn bush with no desire to get up
