After getting back from my run yesterday I got a call from Corey saying that him, Jim, and Palma were going camping up at pinnacles. I said I'd go, but I wasn't really sure if I wanted to. For a while I just figured I'd be better off watching TV and pounding beers downstairs as this had been the routine throughout this week. However, when it came time to leave I said fuck it and went with them and it was a fucking blast. I had a pretty awesome time getting hammered in the woods with my friends, cooking Texas toast and kielbasa on a raging fire, and just relaxing and enjoying life. I drank the 10 beers that I brought with me(the only thing I brought with me on this camping trip to be honest) and then just said fuck it and pounded wine that Corey and Jim brought. Of course I'm not counting any wine drinking, and I'm hurting from it this morning, but I was out to have a good time and didn't want to stop drinking. The whole experience shed some knowledge on me as well.
As we tore down a back country dirt road, hootin' and hollerin' and listening to banjo tunes I had an Epiphany. I realized that this doesn't last forever. You only get to be young and reckless for a short amount of time before you eventually have to grow up, get serious, and start a life. In the summer before my last year of college I'm making it my mission to live free with no regrets. I want to do my best to go and do things like this camping trip with my friends. I want to hold nothing back and have as much fun as I can. I've watched as my friends have slowly left to start their lives elsewhere and although it's been sad, I can't help but feel really thankful for having had the opportunity to share the hilariously awesome times we've had together. Growing up scares the hell out of me. I've had the fortune of going to a college that suits me well and developed friendships that are truly one of a kind. I'm slowly coming to grips with the fact that my college years are coming to an end and I should just value every second of it that I have left. I think that's a big reason why I'm doing this now. I know I can't do shit like this later in life so fuck it, we'll do it live. I'm young, I'm having fun, and that's really all that matters to me right now.
Live fast, take risks and don't ever stop guys.
a true inspiration.
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