The running today was pretty good. As I said earlier I felt like doing a tempo today and that's exactly what I did. I warmed up for a little over 3 miles and then did a 6 mile tempo run out coddington and back. Now I fucking hate running on coddington. It is a long straight road that goes for miles and is relatively hilly with a lot of switchbacks. I always used to tell Curt how insane he was for loving the coddington out and back 10 mile Sunday run. However, I've discovered that it can actually be a really nice run if I'm doing tempo work on it. The speed of the workout makes it go by fast and once you get passed German Cross the scenery is pretty stunning. So curt I apologize for hatin', it's not that bad a run. The tempo went well enough. I had my GPS watch, but it shit the bed at 2.91 miles and gave me the typical "GPS Signal Weak" bullshit that it's been doing since winter. I think it's all the minus 15 degree runs. Anyways I ran until what I suspected would be my 3 mile split of 17:04 and then turned and ran back. I finished in 34:08 for 6 miles which breaks down to about 5:41 a mile. It would have been faster, but at around 5 and a half miles my right hamstring, which has been tight the last two days, started to feel a little shaky so I backed it off in the last half mile. I feel good now though. I'm on the final stretch and need only 16 miles in the next two days. I also only have a 30 rack left to go and I'm not even close to being done drinking wise.
My teammates have been crucial in helping me drink despite being no where near me. Billy seems to have a six sense about him and seemingly always texts me or writes on my facebook wall when I want to drink the least. It always makes me suck it up and throw a few back. After work today Riley and I ichat drank together. It was great talking to him again and talking about this and that while still getting a few beers in before the run. It's honestly the constant encouragement that has allowed me to push through an extreme distaste for beer.
The numbers for beer, running, and songs today
13 mile run with 6 mile tempo run.
8 beers so far
Won't back down by Eminem.
Week totals:
84 miles and 70 beers
What 70 beers looks like.
out'n'backs baby!! its where its at