I've discovered that weird shit like that happens a lot while doing this. There's just no way to really function properly. Two days ago I walked into a women's bathroom without even noticing, I almost ran into a parked truck yesterday, and tonight for dinner I ate toast with pasta sauce on it(what the fuck was that shit). I'll probably eat a more substantial dinner soon, but sometimes you just have to let your body do whatever the fuck it wants even if it means obsessing over apples. I sort of noticed the toll of running 70 miles in 4 days yesterday when I was finishing my cool down from the tempo. Palma, Nubbins, and Nancy were talking in the driveway when I rolled in finishing me run. Palma looked at me and said, "You look soooo tired right now" and I am. I'd like to say that I can do this thing and shrug it off as not too hard, but I'd be a liar. This really hasn't been too easy. I've had to work pretty hard at it lately, but like I've said time and time again it is the never ending support of my teammates and friends that have helped me. Runner and drinker Dan Potter gets a shout out today for his facebook post as it was big on getting me out the door.
Tomorrow is looming though and I only need 6 miles and 20 beers. The competitive side of me says fuck it and do a night run and get hammered tonight and be the fastest know documented attempt at the 100, 100. http://www.beermile.com/faq.beer
My body says no to that idea though so we'll have to see what happens. It's unfortunately the last night Palma will be in Ithaca. I'm sad to see him go as he is a truly great friend and has helped me a ton in this experience. Anyways, I've got some beers to drink. Curt said it well in his recent text "You can smell it! And it smells GOOOOD!" I'm right there. Just a few more pushes to the finish.
Day totals:
10 miles and 4 beers
Cocaine Blues by Johnny Cash, I think I'll just stay here and drink by Merle Haggard, and Memories by David Guetta
Week Totals:
94 miles, 81 beers.
My life is this.
wouldnt really call dan potter a runner