I tell myself that I'll do something easy and short, but throughout the early stages of the run I play tricks with myself to make me doubt the easiness of the run. Today I began thinking about the mileage that I will ultimately have to do later in the week and how run down I might feel at that point and I began to tell myself that I can do more than I planned. So eventually the planned easy 6 miles turned into and easy 9 miles through the course, up troy to king, and back down through the course again. It was a pretty good run, saw Veroline at around 56 minutes during a rough patch and he gave me some nice encouragement that helped me push through the last mile. This hasn't been as hard as I thought it would and I figure so long as I get my body out the door my mind games will do the rest.
I took it easier post run on the drinking side today and only drank 2 beers before going to work. I felt pretty normal and didn't feel too tired. My job is pretty perfect for something like this to be honest. I work at a desk in a very comfy chair and only work 4 hours a day. Most days I don't start work until 1 allowing me to get both a decent night's sleep after drinking and and easy schedule for doubles in running. I also have lately done almost no work while there. I used to be given a decent amount of things to do to make the time go, but lately I have received only about 15 minutes of work a day allowing me to space out/surf the internet for 3 hours.
After work I did a wildflower preserve with add on runs and a little stretch of add on with Mr. Way. It was good to have someone to run with as I have been running solo for quite a while since good ol' craiglegs left the state. The run I planned on was 10 miles, but I was feeling good so I decided an extra mile wouldn't hurt and finished with 11 miles. I had hoped going into this that I would be able to complete this task in my favorite shoes, my Environmentally Neutral Design running shoes, however, I have probably put over a thousand miles on them and the company unfortunately went out of business. So the remainder of this journey will be done in my new Nike Lunarswift breathes. They're pretty nice, not a lot of padding and very little hard plastic in the upper so I'm very pleased with them.
All in all my totals for the day so far are as followed:
9 miles in the AM and 11 in the PM for 20 total
2 beers in the AM and 4 and counting in the PM
41 miles total and 21 beers total through 2 days.
As the saying goes, Look good, Feel good. 'til next time boys.
p.s. I like this one better cause the bear looks happy

credit: http://www.zazzle.ca/the_great_escape_bear_shark_cavalry_poster-228113044249181071
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